22 Dots Big Kolam

22 Dots Big Kolam

A big kolam to draw on festivals and occasions. Place 22×22 dots to draw this kolam. Start the kolam from one corner of the dot matrix.
Draw a capsule design by joining 5 dots in a line. Then add the feather design on sides and a “V” shapes. Complete the same design on other 3 corners to finish the corner design. Now form a box shapes in between the dots of the two corner designs. Form a table like shape in the centre and draw the same on other sides too. Now fix the centre dot and draw square with 2×2 dots to fix the centre point and design. Draw a plus sign extended with side boxes. Now enclose the centre design by lines forming a box shape which makes it prominent from the side design.
Draw the kolam and add colours to each element with different colour powders to make it look grand. A good design for Diwali.

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