Kolams by Bhuvaneswari Raghuraman- kolam 10 and the pencil drawing
Kolams by Bhuvaneswari Raghuraman- kolam 8 and the pencil drawing
Kolams by Bhuvaneswari Raghuraman- kolam 1 and the pencil drawing
25 dots contest kolam. kolams of India contest kolam. 25 dots 9 rows
1 to 25 straight dots Simple design
25 dots 3 times 25 to 3 straight dots Lovely design kolam
25 dots Sikku kolam || contest kolam 25 dots Sikku kolam || contest kolam
5th kolam for contest 25-1dots sikku with lotus.
1 to 25 straight dots Simple flowers kolam
1 to 25 straight dots Swasthic kolam Lovely design