Two sikku kolams with the same dot count but the way it has been drawn makes the difference in the outlook of the kolam and an illusion is caused as if the two are different kolams. The spacing of the dots do make a difference.
Sikku kolams are also known kambi, Neli kolams as the lines make their way by wavy lines and they look like metal string. This is 17 dots kolam and a big one too. This can be drawn on Tuesdays or Fridays and also on festivals. On festivals it is auspicious to add kaavi to the Continue Reading
Dot Count 15-1 Three 15 dots sikku kolam in this post. The below kolam is known as “Scissors Kolam” or “Kathiri Kolam” as two lines cross over each other at regular intervals, looking like scissors. Easy kolam to follow, though the design may look complicate but very easy to draw. This kolam has onion shape Continue Reading
Again a 11 dots sikku kolams. In this post 3 kolams with 11-1 Dot count. The kolam seems to be difficult but an easy one to draw. The onion shape at the bottom becomes a prominent shape in this kolam. The onion shape is formed by drawing around 4 dots more or less a square Continue Reading
11 Dots Kolam These are simple 11 dots sikku kolam where the loops are less tangled and form a simple design to draw. Its easy to follow the lines and draw . First place 11 dots and decrease the dots to 1 on either sides. Now draw the design. Practice the design before drawing at Continue Reading
This is a 10×10 kolam. Place 10 by 10 dots. A simple tippudu mugulu to draw., This can be drawn daily in the morning or evening time. Drawing Muggulu brings positive energy and looks beautiful at the doorstep. Add kaavi border to beautify this kolam. If you have red soil, sieve it and add water Continue Reading
Kolams/Muggulu have 10 dots in this post Dot count : 10×4-6-4 Place the above dot count on either side and draw the kolam as seen. Easy kolam to draw. This can be drawn daily at the doorstep and borders can be added to enhance the beauty of the kolam. Any colour or kaavi can be Continue Reading