Ratham kolam done in sikku style.
This is a bigger version of 7 dots kolam. This kolam has 2 types of kolam. The kolams on the four sides are a common kolams and the inner 7 dots kolams are different one, which is formed by an onion shape elements, by joining 4 dots. This kolam is easy to draw as it Continue Reading
This 19 dots placed in intermediate pattern or idukku pulli. The dots are placed in between the two dots and form the grid pattern. Dot Count 19-10 . The dots are placed with 19 dots and decreased to 10 dots on either side. Three star shape is formed with sikku lines at the centre to Continue Reading
11 Dots Kolam These are simple 11 dots sikku kolam where the loops are less tangled and form a simple design to draw. Its easy to follow the lines and draw . First place 11 dots and decrease the dots to 1 on either sides. Now draw the design. Practice the design before drawing at Continue Reading